Order Vaccines

We deliver routine vaccines to your facility based on the vaccine delivery schedule. When ordering, let us know if your office hours have changed as this may impact vaccine deliveries. Submit your vaccine order at least three full business days before your scheduled delivery day.

Step 1: Prepare your office

Make sure that your office:

  • Has a vaccine refrigerator that passed a public health cold chain inspection. Practices that have not had a fridge inspection must arrange one.
  • Is compliant with Ministry of Health Vaccine Storage and Handling Guidelines, including:
    • Vaccine refrigerator temperatures kept between 2 C to 8 C
    • Vaccine refrigerator temperatures documented twice daily in an accurate and up-to-date temperature log book
    • An emergency plan developed in the event of a vaccine refrigerator malfunction, power failure or other emergency
  • Has a designated staff member who is knowledgeable about vaccine storage and handling to receive vaccine shipment and make sure that vaccines move into the refrigerator immediately upon receipt

Recommendations for practices closed for over two weeks

If your office will be closed for two weeks or longer, ensure vaccine safety and decrease vaccine wastage by:

  • Calling the Vaccine Preventable Disease program (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) at 905-688-8248 or 1-888-505-6074 ext. 7396 to make arrangements to store your vaccine during the office closure, or
  • Assigning a staff member to check-in (two to three times per week) during the closure, review / record temperatures and check for any vaccine fridge or thermometer issues

Call Public Health at 905-688-8248 ext. 7396 if:

  • Your office needs to arrange a fridge inspection
  • Your office is having any fridge / thermometer issues
  • Fridge temperatures are outside the normal range of 2 C to 8 C

Step 2: Pick the order form for the vaccine(s) you need

Hospitals, physicians and primary care

Learm about Beyfortus® availability.

Long-term care homes


  • Vaccines for midwives
  • Use the seasonal influenza and COVID-19 vaccine order forms under hospitals, physicians and primary care

Step 3: Complete the order form

When completing forms for the primary care offices, long-term care, school program and seasonal influenza vaccine orders, check and record the current vaccine inventory ("doses on hand") to assist in how much vaccine to order.

For the school program, high risk and long-term care vaccines, ensure your client meets the eligibility criteria first.

Be sure to maintain no more than a one month supply of vaccine at any time as per the Ministry of Health Vaccine Storage and Handling Guidelines.

Step 4: Get your temperature log information

You will need to include a current four week copy of the temperature log (up to the present day) with your vaccine order.

Check and record fridge temperatures twice daily, including the time temperatures were taken and the recorder's initials.

Step 5: Fax your completed order

Fax your completed order form and four weeks of temperatures to 905-688-4667.

Learn how to return vaccines under certain circumstances to Public Health.

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