Community Services
Community Services assists some of the most vulnerable people in our community, from infancy to senior years. We provide help to tens of thousands of Niagara residents each year through social programs, most of which the provincial government mandates, funds and regulates.
Additionally, through service agreements with the province and Ontario Health West, we manage long-term care homes and provide community supports for seniors in Niagara.
Henri Koning
ext. 3800
Email Henri Koning
Children's Services
Children's Services is responsible for the planning, administration and financial support of approximately 11,000 licensed child care spaces in Niagara for children birth to 12 years of age. The division:
- Works collaboratively with approximately 70 child care service providers to provide licensed child care in Niagara in 175 child care locations
- Operates five directly operated centres and a licensed home child care program
- Provides monthly fee subsidy payments for 2,500 children, based on assessment of household financial need
- Plans and manages EarlyON Child and Family Centres in Niagara on behalf of the provincial government
905-980-6000 ext. 3803
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Homelessness and Community Engagement
The Homelessness and Community Engagement division supports homelessness services by working with and funding local service providers to address the needs of Niagara's most vulnerable residents. The homelessness service system, in accordance with provincial funding requirements includes:
- Prevention
- Outreach
- Emergency shelters
- Supportive and transitional housing
- Coordination and delivery of the Region's 10-year Housing and Homelessness Action Plan
905-980-6000 ext. 3808
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Housing Services
Housing Services provides low-income housing options through legislated programs and services, including:
- Public housing that is rent-geared-to-income (about 30 percent of household income)
- Non-profit and co-operative housing
- Rent supplement and housing allowance programs
- Niagara Renovates, a program that helps low to moderate income homeowners with house repairs, accessibility modifications and the creation of secondary suites in single family homes
- Housing First, a program that helps those who are homeless find and keep housing
- Welcome Home Niagara Homeownership, which helps low to moderate income rental households buy their first home
- New development, construction, renovation and rehabilitation of rental housing for low to moderate income tenants
905-980-6000 ext. 3930
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Seniors Services
Seniors Services provides high quality, compassionate care for residents and clients through a range of integrated programs and partnerships including:
- Wellness, outreach and residential programs supporting the well-being of seniors
- Eight long-term care homes
905-980-6000 ext. 3806
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Social Assistance and Employment Opportunities
The Social Assistance and Employment Opportunities division is responsible for the delivery of the provincially mandated Ontario Works program and discretionary benefits. The division provides:
- Dental services for adults, funeral services and other items needed for the health and safety of Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program recipients
- Employment supports for family members of Ontario Disability Support Program clients
- Financial support and comprehensive case management to help people prepare for, find and keep a job, including individualized case planning, life stability supports, employment coaching, training opportunities and job placements
- Niagara Prosperity Initiative which provides an annual investment of $1.5 million to support local poverty reduction activities
905-980-6000 ext. 3811
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