Public Works

From turning on a tap or flushing a toilet to driving along a regional road, disposing of garbage or recyclables, or taking transit between municipalities - the services provided by Public Works play an integral role in our everyday lives.

The levy and rate financial streams fund services, and include an operating budget.

A capital budget is used to deliver the maintenance and upkeep of existing infrastructure, and to build new infrastructure.

Terry Ricketts

ext. 3288
Email Terry Ricketts


  • Growth Management and Planning

    Growth Management and Planning identifies where and how growth should happen. This division's key responsibilities include:

    • Development planning and approvals
    • Grant and incentive programs
    • Environmental planning
    • Growth management and analytics
    • Urban design and landscape architectural projects
  • Infrastructure Planning and Development Engineering

    Infrastructure Planning and Development Engineering supports growth management, land use planning and development in a financially sustainable manner, including:

    • Development applications for impacts on Regional infrastructure
    • Private sewage systems inspection; septic review and approval
    • Stormwater management and combined sewer overflows
    • Water and wastewater infrastructure planning
  • Transportation Services

    Transportation Services provides a reliable, consistent, safe and cost-effective transportation network across Niagara. The division plans, designs, implements, operates and maintains a 750 kilometre regional road network, including:

    • Road and bridge resurfacing and rehabilitation
    • Environmental assessments for new road infrastructure programs
    • Implementation and coordination of large complex construction programs
    • Traffic signals optimization and street lighting
    • Storm sewers and drainage assessments
    • Forestry
    • Winter road maintenance and snow plowing
    • Active transportation and bike paths
    • Road markings and signage
    • Railway crossings
    • Purchase and maintenance of the Region's vehicle fleet


    905-980-6000 ext. 3120
    Email Transportation Services
  • Waste Management

    Waste Management plans, manages and operates curbside garbage, recycling (commercial only) and organics collection programs, including:


    905-356-4141 or 1-800-594-5542
    Email Waste Management
  • Water and Wastewater

    Water and Wastewater provides safe drinking water to 11 municipalities across Niagara, and practices good resource stewardship. The division operates and maintains:

    • Six water treatment plants
    • 38 water reservoirs and elevated tanks
    • 23 booster and chlorine booster stations
    • 300 kilometres of trunk water mains
    • 11 wastewater treatment plants
    • 113 pump stations
    • 156 kilometres of forcemain
    • 143 kilometres of gravity sewers


    905-980-6000 ext. 3417 or 1-800-263-7215
    Email Water
    Email Wastewater

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