Teaching Tool - Vaping (Grade 8)
This presentation teaches students what electronic cigarettes are and the risks associated with their use.
Learning goals
- I will gain a clear understanding of what electronic cigarettes are and how they work
- I will be able to explain the risks of using electronic cigarettes
- I will learn strategies to refuse their use
Core knowledge content
Core knowledge content provides the teacher with the background information needed to prepare and teach this health class.
Ontario curriculum expectations
Grades 1-8: Health and Physical Education (2019)
- D1.2 identify situations that could lead to injury or death, and describe behaviours that can help to reduce risk (Personal Safety and Injury Prevention). This specific expectation is also connected with the social emotional learning expectations A1.2 Coping, A1.5 Self, and A1.6 Thinking.
- D1.3 identify and describe the warning signs of problematic substance use and related behaviours for a variety of activities and substances, including cannabis, and the consequences that can occur (Substance Use, Addictions and Related Behaviours).
- D2.2 demonstrate the ability to assess situations for potential dangers, and apply strategies for avoid dangerous situations (Personal Safety and Injury Prevention). This specific expectation is also connected with the social emotional learning expectations A1.2 Coping and A1.6 Thinking.
Learning activities
Vaping presentation (essential)
This presentation introduces vaping, explains the different methods of vaping and the health effects.
Safe lungs, safe life posters
Students will be able to create posters by selecting or creating their own slogan for vaping prevention.
Refusal skills
Students will brainstorm what influences their opinion on vapes or e-cigarettes, and why they would not want to use them.
Supplementary resources
- Mind Matters Series
- Consider the consequences of vaping
- The mechanics of vaping
- Talking with teens about vaping: Tip sheet
- The real cost of vaping
- Vaping: What you need to know
- Not an experiment
- Vaping prevention lessons
- Vaping education resources
Curriculum connections
Drama - Ontario Arts Curriculum (2009): Refusal skills
- B1.4 communicate feelings, thoughts, and abstract ideas through drama works, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids for specific purposes and audiences
Visual arts - Ontario Arts Curriculum (2009): Safe lungs, safe life posters
- D1.1 create art works, using a variety of traditional forms and current media technologies that express feelings, ideas, and issues and that demonstrate an awareness of multiple points
- D1.3 use elements of design in art work to communicate ideas, messages, and understandings for a specific audience and purpose
- D1.4 use a variety of materials, tools, techniques, and technologies to determine solutions to increasingly complex design challenges (e.g., drawing, mixed media, printmaking, technology)
Writing - Ontario Language Curriculum (2006): Refusal skills
- 1.4 sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways that allow them to manipulate information and see different combinations and relationships in their data
Media literacy - Ontario Language Curriculum (2006): Safe lungs, safe life posters
- 3.4 produce a variety of media texts of some technical complexity for specific purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques