Commitment to Indigenous Communities

Niagara Region Public Health and Emergency Services is committed to the corporate Indigenous Action Plan which aligns with our departmental Health Equity Strategic Plan.

Improving Indigenous engagement

In 2019, Kelly Fran Davis wrote the report Creating Our Way Forward: Recommendations for Improving Niagara Region Public Health and Emergency Services' Indigenous Engagement with input from local Indigenous organizations. This report is based on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s health-related calls to action and outlines:

  • The gaps in current Public Health services
  • How to improve collaboration between Indigenous and health care organizations
  • How to implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action


Chantelle Berry
Program Specialist, Indigenous Health
Email Chantelle Berry

Commitment to action

In June 2020, Niagara Region Public Health and Emergency Services published a media release showing their commitment to putting the recommendations in the Creating Our Way Forward report into action.


The recommendations from the report included 22 immediate, short and long-term actions, including:

  • Supply Indigenous-related resources to all employees and Board of Health members
  • Hire an Indigenous liaison (or similar) to develop a Niagara specific strategic / action plan
  • Arrange for all staff to participate in Cultural Safety Training
  • Encourage leaders and staff to better engage with local Indigenous events and organizations
  • Ensure resources are available that include Indigenous context and content
  • Establish relationships with local educational institutions regarding Indigenous initiatives
  • Explore and research the cultural determinants of health that impact Indigenous health
  • Establish strong Indigenous representation in decision-making processes
  • Hire supporting Indigenous specific positions and include Indigenous student placements

Niagara Region Public Health and Emergency Services senior leadership is committed to furthering the recommendations in this report, starting with meeting with the leaders of the local Indigenous organizations to further inform the listed actions, while continuing to train staff using the San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training and pursuing additional in-person or virtual educational opportunities for all staff.

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