Policy: Waiting List


  • Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014
  • College of Early Childhood Educators Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
  • Recognizing our Profession February 2011
  • Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007
  • Children’s Services, Niagara Region


No child care centre shall charge or collect a fee or deposit for the placement of a child on a waiting list for admission in a child care centre or home child care agency.


  • Niagara Child Care Registry - Database system where families will be waitlisted for child care at their choice of child care programs


Children Services, Directly Operated Home Child Care Program, will not charge parents a fee or deposit for the placement of their child on a waiting list for an unsecured spot in a regionally operated child care centre or home child care program.

This policy will be reviewed with home child care program staff, volunteers and students, home child care providers, persons who are ordinarily residents of the premises or regularly at the premises, implemented and monitored for compliance and contraventions in accordance with subsection 6.1 Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (see Home Child Care Licensing Manual Subsections 1.2 and 10.6).


Families that would like to be waitlisted for licensed home child care will:

  • Submit an online application to the Niagara Child Care Registry
  • Provide information about their family on the application form
  • Place their child on the licensed Home Child Care waitlist

There will not be a charge or fee to be placed on the waitlist. 

For help with the website, contact OneHSN Support at 1-888-722-1540 or support at support@OneHSN.com.

The home child care advisor or designate will contact the family to confirm receipt of the application and to determine next steps. For example, need for subsidized child care, date care needed, availability of child care space, etc.

Information will only be accessed by the home child care advisor or designate, home child care manager or designate and is password protected to ensure that the child’s information remains confidential.

Families may contact the Niagara Region Home Child Care Program directly with any questions that they may have about the waitlist for admission.

The waitlist policy will be included in the parent handbook and the complete policy will be provided to a family if specifically requested.

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