Grimsby Water Treatment Plant - 2021 Summary Report

This report summarizes the water flows for the Grimsby Water Treatment Plant, drinking water system number 22000715, from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2021.

This report satisfies the requirements of Ontario Regulation 170/03 - Drinking Water Systems.

Summary of non-compliance

The Grimsby Water Treatment Plant was operated in such a way that at no time did it fail to meet or exceed the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, associated regulations, the system's approval or any order that may have been issued for this reporting period.

Summary of water treatment plant flows

The flow rates captured below are moments in time, and can be affected by various circumstances, such as pump changes or valve position. It is not unusual to have higher or lower than normal flows for this reason.

Month Total flow raw (ML) Total flow treated (ML) Average day raw (ML) Average day treated (ML) Minimum day treated (ML) Maximum day treated (ML) Minimum flow rate treated (ML/d) Maximum flow rate treated (ML/d) Total waste sludge (ML)
Jan. 354.617 401.412 11.439 12.970 9.421 12.496 6.462 18.085 0.568
Feb. 344.335 384.032 12.298 13.738 10.473 15.320 7.344 19.135 0.421
March 344.335 420.905 12.298 13.604 10.356 13.381 3.655 18.537 0.611
April 344.335 406.680 12.207 13.578 10.275 13.881 7.287 18.776 0.690
May 529.449 548.862 17.079 17.731 10.798 26.289 5.304 32.916 2.035
June 542.048 563.054 18.068 18.790 14.342 23.187 4.569 31.376 0.637
July 482.017 508.860 15.549 16.434 10.446 21.967 9.348 27.458 0.632
Aug. 584.020 598.168 18.839 19.317 12.313 24.669 10.159 30.231 0.805
Sept. 419.781 448.926 13.993 14.984 10.986 20.160 9.304 23.110 0.915
Oct. 368.375 398.957 11.883 12.892 10.449 15.945 8.451 21.147 2.133
Nov. 325.752 398.957 10.858 12.364 9.084 12.264 7.402 17.166 0.670
Dec. 329.650 377.945 10.634 12.211 8.847 12.324 7.139 16.999 0.556

The flow rates are moments in time, and can be affected by various circumstances, such as pump changes or valve position and therefore not unusual to have higher or lower than normal flows.

Flow totals

  • Total flow raw was 5024.616 ML
  • Total flow treated was 5428.166 ML
  • Total waste sludge was 10.673 ML


  • Minimum day treated was 8.847 ML
  • Minimum flow rate treated was 3.655 ML
  • Total waste sludge minimum was 0.421 ML


  • Maximum day treated was 26.289 ML
  • Maximum flow rate treated was 32.916 ML
  • Total waste sludge maximum was 2.133 ML


  • Total flow treated average was 452.347 ML
  • Total average day raw was 13.754 ML
  • Total average day treated was 14.884 ML
  • Total waste sludge average was 0.889 ML

Comparison of actual to system approved flow

Flow rates are required by Municipal Drinking Water Licence number 007-202.

Maximum daily flow: 44.000 ML
Maximum flow rate: 44.000 ML/day

Month Average day treated (ML) Per cent of average day treated rated capacity Maximum day treated (ML) Per cent of maximum day treated rated capacity Maximum flow rate treated (ML/d) Per cent of maximum flow rate rated capacity
Jan. 12.970 29.5% 12.496 28.4% 18.085 41.1%
Feb. 13.738 31.2% 15.320 34.8% 19.135 43.5%
March 13.604 30.9% 13.381 30.4% 18.537 42.1%
April 13.578 30.9% 13.881 31.5% 18.776 42.7%
May 17.731 40.3% 26.289 59.7% 32.916 74.8%
June 18.790 42.7% 23.187 52.7% 31.376 71.3%
July 16.434 37.4% 21.967 49.9% 27.458 62.4%
Aug. 19.317 43.9% 24.669 56.1% 30.231 68.7%
Sept. 14.984 34.1% 20.160 45.8% 23.110 52.5%
Oct. 12.892 29.3% 15.945 36.2% 21.147 48.1%
Nov. 12.364 28.1% 12.264 27.9% 17.166 39.0%
Dec. 12.211 27.8% 12.324 28.0% 16.999 38.6%
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