Teaching Tool - Contraception

The teaching tool with encourage healthy sexual growth and development by providing students with accurate information about contraceptive methods. Students will be provided health information and living skills that promote healthy decision and actions regarding sexual health. The presentation teaches students about the usage and effectiveness of common contraceptives.

Learning goals

  • I will gain a clear understanding of sexual consent
  • I will gain an understanding of the advantages of abstinence
  • I will be able to identify the signs of sexual readiness
  • I will understand the usage and effectiveness of common contraceptives
  • I will be able to identify community resources and supports

Ontario curriculum expectation

Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education (2015)

  • C1.4 describe the relative effectiveness of various methods of preventing unintended pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections, including HIV / AIDS and identify sources of information and support.
  • C2.3 apply their knowledge of sexual health and safety, including a strong understanding of the concept of consent and sexual limits, and their decision-making skills to think in advance about their sexual health and sexuality. This specific expectation is connected to the living skills expectations personal skills and critical and creative thinking.

Niagara Region Public Health resources


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