Centre Street Park's Notice Board

The park's notice board tells visitors about events and activities in their community.

Applications must be received by the 20th of every month for posting in the following month. Notices are updated on the first of the month.

Acceptance is based on available space and on a first-come, first-serve basis. As space is limited, the display of notices and other information is based on the following four priorities:

  • Park rules and information
  • Niagara Region and municipal information and activities
  • Local community organized events
  • Details of community organizations, activities and meetings

Notice Guidelines

  • Maximum 8.5" x 11" size
  • Tidy and professional layout
  • Clear title with legible text
  • Contact details clearly displayed on notice

Materials Not Accepted

  • Political campaign flyers or posters
  • Commercial advertising and business solicitations
  • Promotions of a specific faith or religion
  • Other information deemed inappropriate by Regional staff

Application Form

* = Required

Month Duration


  • Applicants that wish to have a poster displayed for longer than a month must reapply at the end of each month
  • Once your application is submitted, you will be asked to email an electronic copy of the document you wish to post on the notice board

Contact Information


Event Details

* Provide a short description of your activity / event or reason for the notice



Notice of Collection

Any personal information or personal health information submitted will be collected, used, and disclosed, where applicable, by members of Regional staff according to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or the Personal Health Information Protection Act. Any information you share will only be used for the intended purpose for which it was provided.

For questions or comments about privacy practices, or for more information about the administration of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in Niagara Region programs, see Freedom of Information and Open Government.

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