Budget and Financial Reports

Affordability and sustainability are two key elements of Niagara Region's budget strategy.

We strive to maintain a balance between providing the programs and services residents rely on, while ensuring we can afford to pay for them, and have money to fund future infrastructure and program needs.


For more information or to request financial information from previous years, email Finance.

Annual budget summary

Our annual budget summary highlights operating and capital budgets from previous years.

Financial reports

2023 Financial updates

Full analysis and explanation of the rate, special levy and general levy supported programs are provided as of June, September and December each year. They include actual and forecasted operating results

The report also provides updates on capital project reporting, reserves and deferred revenue, investments, debt, accounts receivable and an unaudited consolidated statement of financial position.

Past annual reports

Our annual financial report provides an overview of our financial position, including audited financial statements and statistical information.

The report also shows major accomplishments achieved through the efforts of Regional Council, staff, local municipalities and partners.

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