Niagara Region Beach Use Survey

About This Survey:
Please help us assess the use of Niagara Beaches by completing this short survey.  We welcome your feedback and through this survey, Niagara Region Public Health will be able to better serve beachgoers in Niagara.  
Use of Your Feedback:
Any information you give is kept confidential and safely stored, only to be seen by staff working on this project. Your information will never be shown on its own and you will not be identified in any report or survey results.  

Survey Entries:
You are welcome to complete this short survey after each visit to a beach in Niagara.  Also, you are welcome to complete this survey on behalf of your family members (i.e., children or spouse).
If You Have Questions:
Please contact Niagara Region Public Health Environmental Health: 905 688 8248 extension  7268 or

This project has received funding support from the Government of Ontario. Such support does not indicate endorsement by the Government of Ontario of the contents of this material.



During an average summer, how many times do you visit Niagara beaches?