Five-Year Road Safety Strategic Plan
All Niagara Region projects
About the project
Niagara Region is developing a Five-Year Road Safety Strategic Plan. The plan will set out the targets, policies and actions to create safer roads and reduce the number of fatal and injury collisions.
The plan's goal is to improve safety for all road users by:
- Using a data-driven approach
- Identifying and prioritizing key safety needs
- Using the five Es criteria - engineering, enforcement, education, evaluation and engagement
- Identifying shared safety needs amongst our communities
- Developing solutions that consider the needs of all road users
- Making effective safety investment decisions through coordination
- Measuring outcomes of actions taken through the plan
How we will develop and communicate about the plan:
- Establish a working group of contributors to road safety in Niagara. Define mandate, operating procedures and a framework to proceed.
- Engage and consult stakeholders and the public; give opportunities for feedback
- Maintain communication through the web and social media
- Check current programs, analyze relevant data, survey the public and host workshops
- Use all measures to create a plan with clear priorities, agreed upon road safety measures and a five-year action plan
Why we are creating the plan
- A safe road network for all users is important to Niagara Region
- To reflect on our commitment to the Vision Zero program of reducing death and serious injury from traffic collisions
- To analyze road collision trends that show broader measures are needed to improve road safety
Project timeline
December 2022 - Completed
Start project
January 2023 - completed
Workshop: Stakeholder engagement
March 2023 - completed
Workshop: Road safety and best practices across different jurisdictions
Workshop: Review the Region's safety program
and develop the vision, mission and goal statements
April 2023 - Completed
Use of road safety data and public consultation
May 2023 - completed
Select preliminary emphasis areas
July 2023 - completed
Workshop: Introduction to Road Safety Action Plan development
August 2023 - completed
Develop the list of potential countermeasures
October 2023
Workshop: Road Safety Action Plan
November 2023
Develop Road Safety Action Plan
2024 - 2027
Plan carries out
Taimur Usman
Niagara Region
Project Manager
Email Taimur Usman