Share your Story of Recovery

You're not alone

It’s important for people living with mental health conditions to know that they're not alone, and you aren't either

Sharing a story about your personal experiences with mental health challenges can help in your own recovery, and provide encouragement and support to others with similar experiences.

What has helped? What hasn’t? What has been most discouraging about your condition? What has given you hope? There are all sorts of things you know that other people want to know - you're not alone. Let them know that they aren’t either.

Read Niagara recovery stories or share your story below.


If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs immediate help, go to the closest hospital emergency room or contact the Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) at 1-866-550-5205.

Submission Guidelines

Every story submitted is reviewed by Niagara Region Mental Health. We can't guarantee that everything we receive will be published.

By submitting this story you agree to the following terms:

  • You must be 15 years of age or older
  • Stories with inappropriate or offensive language and information about specific medications or medical treatments may not be posted
  • Stories may not exceed 500 words
  • Specific names associated with the story will be redacted and not posted on the website
  • Stories will be anonymous on the website
  • Promotion of personal blogs, website, books or other works will be redacted before publishing
  • Personal information such as phone numbers, emails or addresses will be redacted before publishing

Niagara Region reserves the right to make slight edits to each story. This may include adding or deleting information to ensure the post follows submission guidelines, such as removing personal information.

Niagara Region Mental Health Privacy Statement

* = Required

Recovery Story

Providing your name, email / phone number will allow Niagara Region Mental Health to contact you for any questions and changes that may be required for your submission. Your personal information will not be published and providing your name and contact information is not required to submit a story.

Notice of Collection

Any personal information or personal health information submitted will be collected, used, and disclosed, where applicable, by members of Regional staff according to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or the Personal Health Information Protection Act. Any information you share will only be used for the intended purpose for which it was provided.

For questions or comments about privacy practices, or for more information about the administration of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in Niagara Region programs, see Freedom of Information and Open Government.

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