Accessibility Plan: 2018 - 2023

Section 2: Message from Accessibility Advisory Committee Chair

As a Regional Accessibility Advisory Committee, we are pleased to represent a diverse group of committed, knowledgeable individuals who bring a broad range of expertise and advocacy from across Niagara.

We are capably and enthusiastically supported in our role by numerous Regional staff in helping to make the Niagara Region not just compliant, but a leader in achieving the goals and objectives of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

We are very thankful to the regional chair, councillors, and staff for their strong support in being pro-active in their approach not only in the past, but going forward with this next five year plan.


Dan Whipple, Chair
Niagara Region Accessibility Advisory Committee

Section 3: Municipal Information Section 1: Message from Regional Chair

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