Community Dashboard: Male employment rate

Current 58.2%
Previous 61.9%
Preferred trend Increase
Reporting date Jan. 31, 2024

Rationale and analysis

How we measure this data

As reported by Statistics Canada with a monthly frequency using a three-month moving average, unadjusted for seasonality. The Labour Force data is reported as an accumulation of neighbouring municipalities around one central municipality. For the employment rate it is aggragated as St. Catharines-Niagara CMA, excluding Grimbsy and West Lincoln.

Prior-year values are averages of monthly values while current-year values are reported on a monthly basis as per data availability.

Estimates in thousands, rounded to the nearest hundred.

Progress and advancements

Niagara's male employment rate since June of 2022, has decreased. It fell from 65.7 to 60.9% as of February 2023.

About this indicator

Number of persons who, during the reference period, worked for pay or profit, or performed unpaid family work or had a job but were not at work due to own illness or disability, personal or family responsibilities, labour dispute, vacation, or other reason. Those persons on layoff and persons without work but who had a job to start at a definite date in the future are not considered employed.

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