Community Dashboard: Children and parent/ caregiver program participants
Rationale and analysis
Why this measurement is important
Provincially-funded drop-in centres to support parents and caregivers enhance their well-being and enrich their knowledge about early learning and development. The centres provide children with play and inquiry-based learning opportunities.
How we measure this data
As reported by Community Services, Children's Services.
A child, parent/ caregiver is counted once during the year, only when a child, parent/ caregiver participates in an early learning activity.
The data is entered into the Ontario Child Care Management System by the EarlyON service providers contracted with Niagara Region, and reported quarterly to the Ministry of Education.
Progress and advancements
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic there was a lack of knowledge that programs existed and/or an assumption that programming was for vulnerable families or for families with children involved with a specific school board.
Since the centres have reopened, families can choose to participate virtually through social media platforms, or in-person programming offered both indoors and outdoors in multiple centres across Niagara region.
With the investment in a database which allows for region-wide unique participation counts, as well as a social media campaign to increase awareness of families of this free resource available across Niagara and virtually, we anticipate to see an increase in participation.
About this indicator
This indicator outlines the total number of children, aged 0-6 years, their parents/ caregivers (grandparent, informal care provider) that received services at some point during the calendar year in an EarlyON Child and Family Centre and/ or Indigenous-led Family Centre and/ or Programs.