Community Dashboard: Perceived mental health as "very good" or "excellent"

Current 61.6%
Previous 66.2%
Preferred trend Increase
Reporting date Dec. 31, 2020

Rationale and analysis

How we measure this data

As reported by Statistics Canada with occassional frequency.

Progress and advancements

The 2020 Niagara average fell to 61.6 per cent, which is below the Ontario average of 64.7 per cent and the national average of 66.0 per cent, for the same period.

About this indicator

This indicator reflects perceived (self-reported) mental health of those aged 12+ as very good or excellent.

Perceived mental health refers to the perception of a person's mental health in general and provides a general indication of the population suffering from some form of mental disorder, mental or emotional problems, or distress, not necessarily reflected in perceived health.

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