Community Dashboard: Licensed child care spaces in operation
Rationale and analysis
Why this measurement is important
A reduction of qualified staff results in a reduction in the operating capacity of licensed child care centres and, consequently, fewer licensed child care spaces are available to support families. A lack of quality, accessible and reliable child care is a barrier for parents who work or attend school.
How we measure this data
Percentage determined using the number of licensed child care spaces (of the service providers with a service agreement with Niagara Region Children’s Services) and the number of those licensed spaces that are in operation (by the service providers with a service agreement with Niagara Region Children’s Services) based on legislated staffing ratios.
Progress and advancements
The target per cent of licensed child care centre spaces in operation is around 90% and, therefore, current child care spaces under operation are below target.
Prior to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the province faced a critical shortage of qualified Registered Early Childhood Educators to care for and educate children attending a licensed child care centre. Many of these qualified educators were earning less than a living wage, and had no benefits, which contributed to recruitment and retention challenges.
This staffing crisis has been exacerbated by COVID-19, as some staff have elected not to return to work in a licensed child care centre and seek higher-paying employment or to go on infectious disease leave due to risks associated with the virus.
About this indicator
This indicator reflects the percentage of Region-run licensed child care spaces that are under operation, in line with a qualified staff ratio as outlined by the Ministry of Education, Child Care and Early Year Act, 2014.