Community Dashboard: Median age
45.3 years
45.9 years
Preferred trend
Not applicable
Reporting date
Dec. 31, 2022
Rationale and analysis
How we measure this data
As outlined by Statistics Canada on an annual basis.
Progress and advancements
The Region's 2021 median age increased to 45.9, which is higher than the Ontario median age of 40.7 and the national median age of 41.1.
Niagara's 2021 female median age increased to 47.8, which is higher than the Ontario female median age of 42.0 and the national female median age of 42.2.
Niagara's 2021 male median age increased to 43.8, which is higher than the Ontario male median age of 39.4 and the national male median age of 40.1.
About this indicator
Median age is the age that divides a population into two numerically equally sized groups; that is, half the people are younger than this age and half are older. It is a single index that summarizes the age distribution of a population.