Industrial Use Development Charges Grant

This program provides financial reductions for industrial users investing in Niagara that have obtained (or plan to obtain) a building permit to build or expand existing facilities.

You can apply for funding before receiving a building permit or within 90 days of receiving a building permit, and receive a grant for up to 100 per cent of the Regional development charges payable.


To qualify for Niagara Region's Industrial Development Charge Grant, the applicant's development must meet the following criteria:

  • The proposed development must meet Niagara Region's definition of Industrial Use as per By-Law 2022-71
  • Apply for funding before receiving a building permit or within 90 days of receiving a building permit
  • Demonstrate the positive economic impact that the development will have in Niagara

Industrial use

"Industrial use" means land, buildings or structures used for or in connection with manufacturing by:

  • Manufacturing, producing and processing goods for a commercial purpose, as well as storing and / or distribution of goods manufactured, produced or processed on site
  • Research or development in connection with manufacturing, producing or processing good for a commercial purpose
  • Retail sales by a manufacturer, producer or processor of goods they manufactured, produced or processed, if the retail sales are at the site where the manufacturing, production or processing takes place
  • Office or administrative purposes, if it is:
    • Carried out with respect to manufacturing, producing, processing, storage or distributing of something
    • In or attached to the building or structure used for that manufacturing, producing, processing, storage or distribution

Email Niagara Economic Development or call 905-980-6000 ext. 3440 for more information.

Apply for an Industrial Use Development Charges Grant

Property Information

Property Owner Information

Applicant Information

Building Information

Check all that apply and include the square footage where applicable

Building TypeSquare Footage

Economic Impact Information


Notice of Collection

Any personal information or personal health information submitted will be collected, used, and disclosed, where applicable, by members of Regional staff according to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or the Personal Health Information Protection Act. Any information you share will only be used for the intended purpose for which it was provided.

For questions or comments about privacy practices, or for more information about the administration of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in Niagara Region programs, see Freedom of Information and Open Government.

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