How We Go - Transportation Master Plan
The Transportation Master Plan is a comprehensive strategic planning document that defines policies, programs and infrastructure improvements required to address transportation and growth needs from today through to 2041.
The Transportation Master Plan provides a strategic vision for transportation in Niagara and ensures that future transportation needs are addressed through:
- Pedestrian and cycling facilities
- Demand-responsive and conventional transit
- Integrated network of roads and highways for the movement of people and goods
The Transportation Master Plan highlights key recommendations and supporting actions to meet the long-term transportation vision.
How We Go Reports
The final Transportation Master Plan documents approved by Regional Council (July 2017) and updated to reflect comments received through the 45-day environmental assessment review period (September 2017) are presented below.
Executive Summary (October 2017, 14MB)
This document provides the highlights of the TMP and its key recommendations
Transportation Master Plan Study Report (October 2017, 22 MB)
This document is a culmination of the technical work, analysis, stakeholder consultation and recommendations for transportation in Niagara
Background Reports
The following reports are technical papers that support the recommendations put forth in the Transportation Master Plan document.
- Stakeholder and Public Consultation (June 2017, 54MB)
This document summarizes the comprehensive stakeholder engagement activities that were key to the success of the Transportation Master Plan.
- Model Development Executive Summary (August 2016, 1MB)
This summary highlights the process by which the Region's travel demand forecasting model was redeveloped to be used as a multi-modal forecasting tool to support changes to transportation policy and infrastructure.
- Context and Vision Report (April 2016, 5MB)
This report includes information about the current transportation system and describes the transportation vision and direction for Niagara Region. - Needs and Opportunities (October 2016, 3MB)
This report identifies the most important needs and opportunities to be addressed by the Transportation Master Plan. - Complete Streets Vision and Direction for a Changing Region (June 2017, 8MB)
This report was prepared to inform the decision-making process for every future Regional road / street investment in order to be consistent with the Region's direction for Complete Streets.
- Complete Streets Design Guidelines (June 2017, 10MB)
This document identifies the Complete Streets typologies that would be supported on the Region's roads while providing accepted design guidelines as direction for consideration and implementation.
- Strategic Cycling Network (June 2017, 8MB)
This report summarizes the development of the Strategic Cycling Network and the recommended network to be implemented over the next ten years. - Wayfinding Signage for Cyclists Guidelines (February 2017, 3MB)
This provides a best practices approach to bicycle wayfinding signage in Niagara. - Transit Strategy (March 2017, 1MB)
This paper outlines a long-term strategy for the provision of public transit services in Niagara Region along with supporting policies aimed to increase transit mode share.
- Sub-Area Analysis Summary (June 2017, 1MB)
This paper highlights the modelling exercises completed for five sub-areas within the region to confirm local issues and to identify potential improvements to address the issues. - Niagara Hamilton Trade Corridor (July 2017, 2MB)
This paper provides an overview of the planning work completed to date, the findings and the recommendations for the Niagara Hamilton Trade Corridor and explains how the corridor addresses the Region's strategic priority to move people and goods. - Road Strategy Technical Paper (July 2017, 2MB)
This technical paper provides background information and context for the recommended road strategy. - Operating Policy Review (June 2017, 1MB)
This paper summarizes the review of the Region's existing operating policies and highlights changes within those policies that will be required as a result of recommendations forthcoming from the Transportation Master Plan (e.g., Complete Streets). - Goods Movement (June 2017, 1MB)
This paper provides the context for a goods movement strategy through a background review of existing goods movement initiatives within the region, an understanding of existing goods movement operations, defining future changes that could impact goods movement within the region and recommending goods movement strategies and supporting policies.
More Information
Frank Tassone
905-980-6000 ext. 3349
Email Frank Tassone